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My Story

Small Beginnings

I have dedicated my professional life to becoming an expert craftsman. My love of the craft stems from a young age. At the age of 10 years old I was making skateparks with my father, being taught how to use tools correctly. Working with wood and metal at a young age gave me experience that I could take into adulthood. At the age of 18 I moved to Canada and had the opportunity to participate in creating a beautiful 4 million dollar home, This reinforced my passion towards working with wood. As time progressed and my love for creating things grew, I decided to start making unique jewellery boxes, using hand tools, traditional methods and reclaimed wood sourced from old hardwood window and door frames.   This lead to creating larger pieces and establishing a business in bespoke joinery, over time I've established a positive name for myself and reached a stage where I acquired a workshop where I can devote all of my skill and time to creating beautiful pieces of furniture 
Over the course of my career, I’ve created a variety of projects for A variety clients. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than watching my customers view a finished piece for the very first time. Reach out to learn more.



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